Energy Density equals the total number of calories in the food divided by the total grams you eat. This concept is potentially a really big deal because it looks like people regulate the weight (AKA grams or ounces) of the food they eat more so than the calories.
and..."Dietary approaches, based on the energy density of foods, show strong evidence that they could reduce body weight and prevent weight regain."
-Stelmach-Mardas et al., 2016 [1]
Energy Density sounds complicated, but it is really quite easy to calculate.
Grab any bag of chips right now (even the "healthy" ones) and take a quick gander at the nutrition facts.
WILDE Pink Himalayan Sea Salt Chicken Chips
160 calories per 30 grams
This equals an Energy Density of 5.3 calories per gram.
Guess what Energy Density a “healthy” whole food should probably be under?
According to Dr. Barbara Rolls of Penn State, most foods we consume should likely be under 1.5 calories per gram and anything above 4 calories per gram should be carefully managed [2]...Yes, that even means faux health foods like chicken chips.
Now let's see how a few of your favorite My Fit Foods meals stack up in terms of Energy Density.
Our Asian Salad fits right in the mix...but, what about some meals with CARBZ!
   That's right sweet potatoes can absolutely be part of a healthy diet.
Whoa even our Boujee Mac slides in under 1.5! Woot Woot!
Energy Density certainly isn't the only thing regulating the number of calories we eat, but it is a big rock and that is why we stay cognizant of it when we are building all of our meals and potentially helping fit My Fit Foods into your life!
We also think the concept of Energy Density can be really helpful in deciding if a food is "healthy" or not and the majority of our food choices should likely lean on the lower energy density side.
1. Stelmach-Mardas, M., et al., Link between Food Energy Density and Body Weight Changes in Obese Adults. Nutrients, 2016. 8(4): p. 229.
2. Rolls, B.J., Dietary energy density: Applying behavioural science to weight management. Nutr Bull, 2017. 42(3): p. 246-253.