Recomp with Chad P.

Recomp with Chad P.

What's up, Fit Fam! 

You have been asking about the secret to our sauce and how we get people incredible results. Well, here's the answer: Recomp. 

My name is Chad, and I'm the sports performance nutrition coach at our Houston location.

What is Recomp? 

Recomping is altering your body composition with little change in overall body weight.

It's your body pulling a reverse Uno card on your body fat and muscle mass.

This concept has been debated, and some people say it's not possible. Well, I have a couple of clients who would like to disagree.

My client Dorothy dropped from 36% to 23% body fat, a solid 35 lbs. of fat loss, and a pound of muscle gained over the last six months at, get this, 59 years old.

Another recomp rockstar, Eli, dropped from a starting point of 19% to 9% body fat and added 9 pounds of muscle over four months. On the scale, we only saw about a 10-pound change, but when looking at his body composition, we saw a shift of 26 pounds.

Yet people still say Recomp isn't real. Crazy right?

These committed clients crushed it, and it was because they followed the recipe for our secret sauce!

So what is it? 

Here's the breakdown of the top three ingredients. Higher protein intake, structured resistance training, and consistency, but let's get more specific!

How much protein do you need to Recomp? 

The best place to start is at 1.1 g of protein per pound of lean body mass.

Most of us don't know our lean body mass, and everyone's is slightly different. So don't worry; we got you covered! Stop by your local My Fit Foods store to find your magic muscle number today.

Now let's talk about some necessary work!

It's not just going into the gym, lifting heavy things, and setting them down. We need structure! With a proper training program, we can take you from flab to flab-u-LESS.

Everyone will start at a different place, so it's ideal to work with a trainer or one of our MFF BFFs who will set you up on a program-building foundation while still pushing you beyond your limits safely.

When you plug in a structured program, it converts effort into results.

The last and most crucial ingredient is what binds everything together: Consistency.

Without it, nothing is possible, and recomp is no different.

That means you are hitting that protein target every day!

It also means that resistance training, depending on your level, is three to six times in the gym per week.

You have to understand that with Recomp, you are asking your body to do two different things, which is why consistency with nutrition and training are non-negotiable if you are serious about your goals.

Now, why is Recomp important? 

That is like asking why the sky is blue, but really, here's the magic:

Recomping will help you age gracefully and stay mobile, open the door to eating more food without gaining weight, and is vital to maintaining results.

My favorite benefit of recomp is being able to socialize without the worry of packing on the pounds.

Now that you are launching your recomp journey, accountability is the best way to stay on course. It's always easier with a buddy, so share this video with anyone and everyone you would like to go with on this journey.

Thanks, Fit Fam. See you soon!

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