Fat is Cool?

Fat is Cool?

Female Chimps and Bonobos are around 3-4% body fat…Males 0-1%[1].

One of the reasons Humans took over the world is our ability to hunt, gather, and share more calories and store those calories as FAT.

Fat is really cool! As an energy storage depot it takes up around 600% less space than hydrated carbohydrates.

Check out that subcu fat layer on an infant. Cute AF and back up fuel for a massive social learning brain that burns through up to 74% of its energy[2].

At a certain point too much adipose tissue independently becomes detrimental to our health, but the fact that we as a species are worried about having too much fat on our bodies is absolutely beautiful. If we flip the way we look at the problem maybe we can all be a little less dicky to each other.



1. Zihlman, A.L. and D.R. Bolter, Body composition in Pan paniscus compared with Homo sapiens has implications for changes during human evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2015. 112(24): p. 7466-71.

2. Cunnane, S.C. and M.A. Crawford, Energetic and nutritional constraints on infant brain development: implications for brain expansion during human evolution. J Hum Evol, 2014. 77: p. 88-98.

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