One of the most popular diets right now is the carnivore diet. Just by looking at the name of it, you can probably guess that this particular diet involves eating a lot of meat. As with most diets, there are some good ways to adopt this diet and some bad ways as well, so you have to be extremely careful about what you are putting in your body.
If you do this diet in the correct way, it does work. You just have to be careful about your nutrients and supporting your body throughout the process. Want to learn more about the carnivore diet and if it’s right for you? Keep reading.
What Is the Carnivore Diet?
There is no full-on definition for this diet like there may be for some other diets. But most people will define the carnivore diet as eating only ‘meat’ or things that, at some point, have only walked, swam, or flew. This includes poultry, seafood, and beef. It does not include plant-based proteins that have been made to taste and have a similar nutrient profile to meat, nor does it include any kind of carbohydrates.
Often, people will resort to a carnivore diet not because it tastes all that good, but because it is a way to suppress some sort of autoimmune condition, like arthritis or anxiety, although there is little concrete support. It is another step for people who have tried the paleo diet or ketogenic diet and saw results, but started to plateau or liked the way they felt on this particular diet.
While it seems similar to other low-carb diets, the carnivore diet is distinct. The carnivore diet is different from keto because it focuses on eating higher-protein, whereas the keto diet focuses on heating high-fat.
Paleo is different from the carnivore diet because paleo allows vegetables, fruits, and even some legumes.
The carnivore diet stems from claims (that haven’t been proven) that certain healthy tribes eat all-meat diets because it makes them more powerful warriors.
What You Can (And Can’t) Eat on The Carnivore Diet
While “walked, swam, or flew” pretty much describes what you can eat on this diet, there are some gray areas that people will continue to debate when they go on this diet. Everyone will go about this diet differently, but this is how things are generally broken down.
Foods You Can Eat on The Carnivore Diet
You may think that the carnivore diet is limiting, but there are actually more foods that you can eat than you’d think - just probably things you haven’t eaten before now. You can expect your meals to include:
- Red meats like beef, pork, and lamb
- Focus on eating fattier cuts of meat
- Poultry like chicken, turkey, and duck
- Organ meats like liver
- Fish
- Eggs
- Lard, ghee, and butter
- Bone marrow
- Salt and pepper
- Water
- Bone broth
Now, there are some other foods that some people on the carnivore diet will eat and others on it will not. These include dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as coffee. People believe that because many of these foods are animal products, they should be included on the diet. Coffee is plant-based, but many people will keep it just because they can’t fathom giving up their morning coffee. And that’s completely ok!
Foods You Cannot Eat on The Carnivore Diet
There are some foods that people try to work into their carnivore diet because they have similar nutrients to meats, but you absolutely cannot eat them on this diet. These include:
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Bread
- Pasta
- Grains
- Ice Cream
- Flour
As you can see, there are a lot of foods that you cannot eat, which can make this diet a little restrictive for some people.
Why Do People Go on The Carnivore Diet?
People will often go on the carnivore diet if they have been diagnosed with some sort of autoimmune disease that leads to inflammation in the body. There is some proof that the carnivore diet can eliminate large amounts of inflammation within the body. It may also help reduce depression in some cases.
Of course, most people go on diets because they help them to lose weight. It can be really difficult to eat enough meat to overeat or go over your daily caloric needs. High-protein foods help people stay fuller longer, so they tend to not have cravings or eat more.
Another reason many people like this diet is because they don’t have to buy special foods or spend a lot of money on supplements: they can just continue eating what they eat. For people who hunt or shop around, this can be an extremely cheap diet as well.
The final reason why some people go on this diet is that they are trying to eliminate certain foods to try to pinpoint food allergies. Meat is complex enough that people can survive eating a diet with just primarily that in it, so they can figure out what foods are causing them issues.
Are There Risks Associated With The Carnivore Diet?
There are some risks to eating a carnivore diet, especially from a nutrition standpoint. People need to eat all of the food groups for a few different reasons, but namely, because we cannot get all of the nutrients that we need from eating one food group alone. Fruits and vegetables provide us with nutrients that meat never could, such as vitamin E and vitamin C. Many people who use this diet will end up taking a multivitamin. The lack of nutrients is also why so many people only do this for a few weeks to test for food allergies and intolerances rather than using it as a long-term diet plan.
Another common problem is constipation. When you are only eating meat, you don’t get enough fiber, which is important to help keep you regular. There are other digestive problems as well, including (possibly) anincreased risk of gastric cancer. Eating too much meat, particularly red meat, can put a lot of stress on your kidneys, too.
With any type of diet that goes this extreme into restrictions, there is a risk of developing some sort of eating disorder.
Who Does the Carnivore Diet Work For?
If you believe that you have intolerances to specific foods, the carnivore diet works extremely well to eliminate those foods and test whether or not they are actually causing problems within your system. You can try this diet for up to six weeks and then slowly introduce new foods into your diet. If you think you have an intolerance to certain foods, add foods back one at a time to see what triggers a reaction and what doesn’t.
If you are considering the carnivore diet just to lose weight, it is best to talk to a dietician or doctor before you do this. It can have some pretty significant repercussions if you don’t handle it properly, especially if you go on the diet for an extended amount of time. You may lose weight, but you may also develop health problems, lose hair, and feel fatigued, so it’s best to consult with a professional to ensure this diet is right for you.
Who Doesn’t the Carnivore Diet Work For?
If you have a history ofeating disorders or even just disordered eating, you shouldn’t consider the carnivore diet. If you have a chronic disease that impacts your immune system or requires you to eat specific things, like diabetes or heart disease, it is best to talk to a doctor before you try anything this extreme.
If you have kidney disease, do not try the carnivore diet at all. Your body will not be able to handle it, and you will do lasting damage to your kidneys.
Finally, this diet isn’t great for people who like to eat a wide range of food – for example, you won’t be able to eatpizza, French fries,burritos, or even burgers with the fixings. As we said, it can be a little restrictive to some people who are adventurous when it comes to food.
Is the Carnivore Diet Expensive?
Meat tends to be expensive, sometimes more expensive than plant-based foods. However, they keep longer than plant-based things do. If you are willing to just eat any kind of meat, or you hunt and can get your meat that way, you may not spend a lot of money. In general, they suggest using grass-fed and ethically sourced meats, which can be extremely expensive if you cannot get them yourself.
If you can shop around and plan for the future, it isn’t all that bad. However, if you are the type of person who just goes grocery shopping haphazardly on Sunday morning, you may be spending almost twice as much as your traditional shopping list.
In Conclusion: Should You Go on The Carnivore Diet?
All diets have potential risks and rewards that you need to consider before jumping on the bandwagon, and the carnivore diet is no exception. The more restrictive a diet, the higher the chance is that you won’t be able to stick to that diet and make a true lifestyle change, which is the recipe for successful weight loss.
Remember that if you aren’t feeling right once you start any diet,you can take a break, try something new, or simply focus on eating good, whole foods. You don’t necessarily need to resort to something like the carnivore diet unless you are instructed to eliminate certain foods from your diet.
Carcinogenicity of consumption of red and processed meat | The Lancet Oncology
Carnivore Diet Reviews: Everything You Need to Know | Health - US News
Carnivore Diet Review: Benefits, Downsides, and Sample Menu | Healthline