Rest Days: What To Do & How Often You Should Rest Each Week

Rest Days: What To Do & How Often You Should Rest Each Week

At My Fit Foods, we're not just about powering through every workout; we understand the art of balancing action with rest. Rest days are integral to any fitness journey, yet they're often overlooked or undervalued.

Think of it like this: just as a good night's sleep recharges your mind, a rest day recharges your body. It’s about giving your muscles, nerves, and everything in between the chance to catch up with your ambitions.

In this guide, we're diving into the why and how of rest days. It’s not just about lounging on the couch (though that's sometimes part of it) but strategic recovery to enhance your performance and well-being.

Let’s unpack the science behind rest days and learn how to listen to our bodies, ensuring every workout counts and every rest day supports our fitness goals.

What Is the Science Behind Rest Days?

Rest days are a secret weapon in your fitness arsenal, and here's why:

  • Muscle Repair and Growth: After intense exercise, your muscles need time to repair the micro-tears that occur during workouts. This repair process is crucial for muscle growth and strength.
  • Nervous System Recovery: High-intensity workouts can put your nervous system into overdrive. Rest days allow it to reset, preventing fatigue and maintaining your reaction times and coordination.
  • Preventing Overtraining: Continual, intense exercise without adequate rest can lead to overtraining syndrome, characterized by a decrease in performance and potential injury.
  • Enhancing Performance: Rest is where the magic happens. It’s when your body adapts to the stress of exercise, leading to performance improvements.
  • Mental Refresh: Rest days also prevent mental burnout, keeping you motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

What Are the Signs of Overtraining?

Your body often sends signals when it's time to throttle back and take a rest. Pay attention to these signs:

  • Persistent Muscle Soreness: Soreness that lasts for days without improvement can be a sign you’re pushing too hard without adequate recovery.
  • Elevated Heart Rate: An unusually high resting heart rate can indicate your body is still recovering from a previous workout.
  • Burnout: Feeling drained or lacking motivation for workouts you usually enjoy could be a sign of overtraining.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty sleeping or feeling restless at night can be linked to inadequate recovery.
  • Performance Plateau or Decline: If your progress stalls or you see a decrease in performance, it might be time to reassess your rest schedule.

Recognizing these signs and responding is key to a sustainable and effective fitness regimen. Remember, resting is not quitting but a smart strategy to keep your fitness journey on track.

How Should I Plan My Rest Days?

Rest days are an essential part of any fitness routine, but there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

Here's how you can plan them effectively:

  • Post High-Intensity Workouts: Schedule a rest day after particularly intense sessions, like HIIT or heavy strength training. This allows your muscles and nervous system time to recover from the stress.
  • Listen to Your Body: Tune into your body's signals. Feeling overly tired or sore? It might be time for a rest day.
  • Rotate Muscle Groups: If you’re focusing on specific muscle groups, plan your rest days to give each group adequate recovery time. For example, if you work on your legs on Monday, consider taking a break from leg workouts the next day.
  • Regular Intervals: Consistency is key. Some people find success with a routine like five days on two days off, while others might prefer a mid-week break.
  • Consider Your Fitness Level: Beginners might need more frequent rest days than seasoned athletes. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Personalizing your rest days is crucial for maximizing your fitness gains and preventing injury. It's about giving your body the recovery it needs to perform at its best.

What Are Activities for Rest Days?

While rest days often mean taking it easy, active recovery can be equally beneficial:

  • Gentle Movement: Activities like yoga, walking, or light cardio keep the blood flowing without placing too much strain on your muscles. This helps in promoting muscle repair and maintaining flexibility.
  • Foam Rolling and Stretching: These are great for easing muscle tightness and improving mobility. Foam rolling helps release muscle knots while stretching maintains muscle health and flexibility.
  • Mental Health Activities: Rest days are also for your mind. Activities like reading, meditating, or engaging in a hobby can be incredibly restorative.
  • Low-Impact Sports: Swimming or cycling at a leisurely pace can be excellent for keeping active without overexerting yourself.

Active recovery on rest days is about engaging in activities that aid recovery, rejuvenation, and maintaining a connection with your body. These activities should leave you feeling refreshed and ready for your next workout.

What Should I Eat on My Rest Days?

On rest days, it's all about supporting your body's recovery through smart nutrition and hydration.

Here’s how we approach it:

  • Balanced Meal Planning: It's not just about eating less because you're not working out. Rest days call for nutrient-rich, balanced meals that aid recovery. Our fresh, single-serving meals, prepared daily, are just the ticket. They're packed with the right balance of carbs, proteins, and fats to replenish your body without overdoing it.
  • Carbohydrates for Recovery: Even on rest days, your body needs carbs to refill glycogen stores. Opt for complex carbs like whole grains, available in many of our meal offerings, to maintain energy levels.
  • Proper Hydration: Recovery requires adequate hydration. Water is essential, but don't overlook the benefits of hydration-boosting beverages like our fresh, nutrient-infused drinks that help replenish what your body sweats out.
  • Adjust Food Intake Thoughtfully: Rest days aren't about cutting back drastically but adjusting intake to your reduced activity level. Our diverse menu caters to this need, allowing you to choose lighter options while still nourishing your body.

At My Fit Foods, we take the guesswork out of rest-day nutrition, making it easier for you to focus on your recovery and prepare for the next bout of physical activity.

What Are the Mental Health Benefits of Rest Days?

Incorporating regular rest days into your routine is good for your body and crucial for your mental health, too:

  • Prevents Burnout: Regular rest days help in avoiding workout burnout. They provide a necessary pause, a chance to relax and rejuvenate, essential for sustaining long-term motivation and enjoyment in your fitness journey.
  • Mental Rejuvenation: Use your rest days for activities that nourish your mental health. Whether it's indulging in a hobby, reading, or simply taking a leisurely walk, these activities can significantly boost your mood and overall mental well-being.
  • A Break for Mental Clarity: Rest days offer an opportunity to step back, reassess your fitness goals, and gain clarity. It's a time for mental as well as physical recovery, helping you return to your routine with renewed focus and determination.

At My Fit Foods, we understand that a healthy lifestyle is about physical fitness and overall well-being, including taking care of your mental health. Rest days are an integral part of this holistic approach, providing much-needed balance in your fitness journey.

When To Seek Professional Guidance

Navigating the line between adequate rest and potential overuse injuries can sometimes require a bit more expertise.

Here's when you should consider seeking professional guidance:

  • Persistent Discomfort: If muscle soreness doesn’t subside after a typical recovery period, it might be time to consult a professional. Persistent or intense discomfort could be a sign of overuse or injury.
  • Uncertainty in Recovery: A personal trainer or sports medicine expert can offer valuable insights into your recovery process. They can provide tailored advice on the amount of rest needed and guide you on low-intensity activities suitable for your fitness level and goals.
  • Navigating Injuries: If you suspect your discomfort might be an injury, it’s crucial to seek medical advice. Trained professionals can diagnose the issue and guide you on the best course of action for recovery.
  • Optimizing Rest Days: Consulting with a personal trainer can be beneficial for those looking to optimize their fitness routine. They can help you understand how to balance active rest days with more intense training sessions, ensuring your muscle tissue gets the recovery it needs.

Listening to your body and seeking advice when needed is vital for sustaining a healthy and injury-free fitness journey.


Incorporating regular rest days into your fitness routine is a necessity for long-term health and wellness. At My Fit Foods, we understand that fitness is a journey that requires a balanced approach, blending active days with well-deserved time off.

Our commitment goes beyond providing nutritious meals. We advocate for a holistic approach to wellness, recognizing the importance of giving your body and mind the rest they need to thrive.

Remember, taking a day off is not a step back but a leap forward in achieving your fitness and health goals. So, plan your rest days, listen to your body, and let us take care of fueling your journey with our fresh, balanced meals. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you.


8 Reasons to Take a Rest Day | Ace Fitness

Why rest and recovery is essential for athletes | UCHealth Today

4 Steps to Beating Burnout | HBR

Give me a break | American Psychological Association

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